False positive pregnancy test reddit

False positive pregnancy test reddit. After doing lots of research, I came to the conclusion that a false positive is pretty much impossible. User error is among the most common reasons for a false positive pregnancy test. I pretty much only take clearblue digital tests, the ones that say pregnant or not pregnant, because I have pretty bad medical anxiety and am always worried I will read a line when it isn’t there so I just prefer those kinds of tests. This includes testing too soon after a recent abortion, Essentially, anything that introduces the presence of detectable amounts of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) into your body—other than pregnancy, of course—can lead to a false positive Is it possible to have a false-positive pregnancy test? Yes! Here's everything you need to know about why that second line might appear when you're not actually pregnant. 7 Possible Causes of a False Pregnancy Test. After doing lots of research, I came to the conclusion that a false positive is pretty much impossible. Most women have them before they realize they’re pregnant and just think it’s their normal period. . It could’ve been a false positive. Or you may have had a chemical pregnancy which doesn’t pass clots usually because it’s so earlier. I am not at a point in my life where I can have a child, so I freaked out, called my OBGYN and also made an appointment at an abortion clinic. I'd say get a pink dye test and take it first thing in the morning when you wake up. I've had a false positive that looked just about the same as your first test when I wasn't pregnant. They’re rare but definitely happen with faulty test. It could be a positive, unless the thin line showed up Well yesterday I took one and to my horror it was positive. gvw azk tsyy fsfqq dsi yzmv nczaov oemonx eoeoue bpzzl